Anni Albers February 20, 2025
I came to the Bauhaus at its “period of the saints.” Many around me, a lost and bewildered newcomer, were, oddly enough, in white—not a professional white or the white of summer—here it was the vestal white. Clearly this was a place of groping and fumbling, of experimenting and taking chances…
TĂ©odor de Wyzewa February 18, 2025
The world we live in, which we declare real, is purely a creation of our soul. The mind cannot go outside itself; and the things it believes to be outside it are only its ideas. To see, to hear, is to create appearances within oneself, thus to create Life…
Chris Gabriel February 15, 2025
The Four of Cups is comfort, familial love, and emotion. We are given three very different interpretations of this same force in each deck…
Molly Hankins February 13, 2025
In Drunvalo Melchizedek’s Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life book series, he shares channeled material from Thoth, also known as Hermes Trismegistus. The second book outlines the basics of Egyptian tantra practice, explaining that recycling orgasmic energy is the key to eternal life. This is a vast departure from many other tantra traditions, but makes sense - human life begins with an orgasm…
Danny Timur, February 11 2024
We live in a world of noise. We are inundated with honks of traffic, buzzes of phones, and din of conversations that we now spend much of our lives attempting to drown out the sounds of the artificial world, which in turn only pushes us further from nature. We strive for silence, believing that may be the answer, seemingly unaware that nestled within the frequencies we hear are wavelengths that could hold the power to calm our minds, sharpen our focus, or even alter our emotional states…