Patricia Sun’s Spirit of Creativity

William Kilburn, c.1790.

Patricia Sun June 20, 2024

Tetragrammaton is dedicated to the spirit of creativity available to all of us. "It is a way of being.", Rick Rubin tells us. This column is dedicated to that way of being.

This will be a space dedicated to actualizing our best selves. A space for healing our wounds and our fears and helping us to feel and understand how to release us into our highest self.

Here is a support for the evolutionary leap that is in process and happening to all of humanity. As we face our shadow with light, new reality comes into being.

There is a healing process that releases both logic and intuition together, to serve a high good – it is love released by human beings – by choice, It is, ultimately: "A creative Act"

Intellect and heart together is a harbinger, not only for wisdom but humanity matured, actualized, and freed.

"Truth and kindness together open a path that cannot be stopped --all we need is the courage to live it." And to remember it.

As Gandhi said, "Be truthful, gentle, and fearless."

It's time to live life. To end war. To heal ourselves. And it is time to transform fear. It is within our power to do this – it is quite possible to do so we might as well do it.

Hang out here in Tetragrammaton with me and you will see.

We see it. We will remind you and ourselves.

Thank you so very much for coming.

Till next time.


Patricia Sun

Patricia Sun is a philosopher, an ethicist, a leader, an innovator, a speaker, a teacher, a problem-solver, and a communication expert of a new way to live.




Dr. Jay Bhattacharya