Six of Disks

Name: Success, Six of Disks
Number: 6
Astrology: Moon in Taurus
Qabalah: Tiphereth of He

Chris Gabriel December 14, 2024

The Six of Disks is the bountiful harvest that has been accumulating since the seed of the Ace. It is the maternal feeding and caring that comes from having enough.

In Rider, we see two kneeling beggars with outstretched hands receiving  gold coins from a well dressed man. The beggars are in patchy robes and one’s head is bandaged. Their benefactor holds a scale to weigh out his charity.

In Thoth, we find a hexagon formed by the planets atop a hexagonal star. In the center is the rosy cross. The card is made up of dark blues and whites for the moon, and orange red for Taurus. 

In Marseille, there are six coins around a blossoming flower. Qabalistically, this is the Beauty of the Princess. 

Where the five of disks fell apart, the six is a successful harvest. In the five of disks, Rider showed us the economic disparity between the wealthy and the impoverished, but here we see charity and generosity, noblesse oblige.

This is the generosity of the Mother, as the Moon in Taurus.An exalted placement, we are reminded of breastfeeding, cooking, and caregiving. The maternal caring moon in the sign of the comfortable, loving cow. 

This dynamic is expressed well in the I Ching, in the 42nd hexagram Increase, of which Richard Wilhelm says “A sacrifice of the higher element that produces an increase of the lower is called an out-and-out increase: it indicates the spirit that alone has power to help the world.”

This card is one of sacrifice from the higher for the sake of the lower. Not giving with the expectation of return, but out of true maternal love andthe desire to see growth and flourishing. A good mother does not eat more than her child, for she wants the child to strive.

This generosity is a  rarity in the world, as most power and wealth hordes itself and gives back nothing to the world. This is  Thanksgiving: a home cooked dinner with family and friends, a selfless kindness. This is true love in the earthly dimension. 

Mythologically, we can think of Ymir, the father of Giants, who drank the milk of Audhumla, the primeval cow. Audhumla’s name is a perfect expression of this card, translating to “rich in milk and hornless”. We can also think of the Milky Way in which we all live, one formed, in Egyptian mythology, by the cow goddess Bat, and the milk of Hera, to the Greeks. Our celestial home exists thanks to the milk of a mother.

When we pull this card we can expect comfort and good times. This is a good investment paying off. We may be given something, or be called on to give to others. A loving exchange.

Chris Gabriel is a twenty four year old wizard and poet who runs the YouTube channel MemeAnalysis.



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