The Six of Wands (Tarot Triptych)
Name: Victory, the Six of Wands
Number: 6
Astrology: Jupiter in Leo
Qabalah: Tiphereth of Yod
Chris Gabriel March 22, 2025
The Six of Wands is the highpoint of the suit - the fires burn their brightest and ascend, the efforts of the past cards are rewarded here. This is individuality, notability, and power. This is a card of victory.
In Rider, we have a triumphant man dressed in laurels, with another carried atop his wand. His horse is cloaked in green, and he is cloaked in red. All around him, figures hold up their wands and hail him as a hero returning from a victorious campaign.
In Thoth, there are six wands, two topped by lotuses, two topped by Set-creatures, and two topped with solar disks. Flames rise from their intersections. The wands are the orange of Leo, and the background is the violet of Jupiter.
In Marseille, the six wands form an X, from which plants and flowers emanate. Qabalistically, this is the Beauty of the King.
This is the end of the republic and the rise of Caesar, when one figure stands out above the rest. As Jupiter in Leo, it is a card of nonconformity and eccentric genius, not for the sake of standing out, but for the sake of gaining power.
Many cards in the suit of Wands concern the difficult amassing and keeping of power. This, however, is the desired state of the suit; the Ace sparked the fire, but it burns warmest and brightest at six, and only gets more difficult from here.
The same is true of victory, it is always short lived - a temporary reward in an endless power struggle. But this period produces immense change and revaluation can occur. What was slow and tiresome before now becomes easy, the victorious powers are able to move freely.
Rider shows us that the victorious one is a “head above the rest”, able to see past the crowds and chaos. A line from Guilliame Apollinaire’s Victoire puts it perfectly:
Victory will be above all
To see truly into the distance
To see everything
Up close
So that everything can have a new name
The “New” motif of the Three of Wands comes to fruition here as the “Make it New” is now able to occur. This is God allowing Adam to name all the animals, according to his uppermost role. This is the renaming of months after Julius and Augustus, the Revolutionary government of France creating Thermidor, a new month, for a new calendar, and far more. Ancient Christians sought to change the pagan names of the planets and zodiac. To reshape the world in one’s own image is the will of God, and those that would be as Gods. These sweeping actions are only possible at the highest point of power.
When we pull this card, we can expect to achieve our desires, enjoy the rewards of our work,and stand out in what we do. Be sure to make good use of this time and move things forward toward your long term goals. Do not rest on your laurels.